I know I just laid this publication to rest, but I felt compelled to revive it long enough to share my post-election thoughts. I know, I know, by now you’ve probably got election fatigue. So do I. I wouldn’t be posting this if I didn’t feel it was important, so bear with me. Also, I’ve got a lot of thoughts swirling in my head, so this might be a little all over the place. Again, please bear with me.
Also, fair warning. This is going to be a very unpopular post that challenges a lot of people. If your first instinct is to argue and tell me I’m wrong, I’m going to ask you to curb that impulse and instead pray over this, and examine why your reaction to what I’m about to say is so visceral. Pray to see the truth. If you want to take me to task, do it on your own platform. It takes so much of my time and energy to write this, I don’t have any left for debating or for reading hateful comments. It’s my job to warn people what I see. It’s not my job to convince you and it’s not on me if you ignore the warnings. That’s between you and the Holy Spirit. And it’s also none of my business what you think of me.
With that out of the way, let’s get into this.
On a strictly fleshly, worldly level, I have to admit, I’m relieved that Trump won. Kamalanomics looked far worse than Bidenomics, and I enjoy being able to afford the cost of living. I absolutely understand why people voted for him.
But on a spiritual level, I’m wary. I wish I could believe that this is God showing mercy and giving us a reprieve so that we can have revival. I also wish I could believe that democracy won and this was a truly democratic election and a victory over the last cycle’s shenanigans, and not just another selection moving us closer to the Big Finale of this age.
I WANT those things to be true. But I just don’t see that. I see a nation from whom God has removed his hand of blessing and given over to our own depravity and desires in judgement, whose people are falling further and further away from God and from sound doctrine and from upholding the Bible as the word of truth — just as scripture predicted for the last days.
Pockets of revival? Yes. I believe God is still doing that in places around the world as he adds to the fullness of the gentiles, especially in Muslim-majority nations. But national revival — which, Biblically, means repentance — sparking global revival that will usher in the Kingdom? That’s simply not scriptural. It’s actually a stark opposite of what scripture says. Nevertheless, I pray for the gospel to go forth and fall on listening ears and receptive hearts.
I see the Great Inversion taking place, moving us from Dark to Light — but it’s a false light. The Hegelian dialectic that set up a globalist dystopia that nobody wants and then supplied us with heroes to lead us into a Golden Age that is truly what the Powers and Rulers of the Age want, and we’re all on board because it looks so much better than the alternative.
I see a contemporary typological antichrist and his false prophet (Elon Musk) coming in with a technocratic agenda, plans for dividing Israel and promises to lead America and the world into an age of peace and security. (“While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” - 1 Thess. 5:3)
I see a former and incoming President who is surrounded by and receiving counsel from Evangelical leaders who exemplify Matthew 7:15-20, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, and the church of Laodicea. And who despises Bible-believing Christians who aren’t on board with their Seven Mountain Mandate/Kingdom Now theology and are warning people about their false prophecies and their lying signs and wonders — and have talked openly about purging us and taking us out of the way.
That might be my biggest concern. Trump campaigned partially on a promise to enact anti-persecution laws (we already have such a law, btw — it’s called the First Amendment) to protect Christians and Christian speech. Sounds great! Except, who decides which Christians are worthy of protection? Who decides which Christian speech to protect? Who gets to define persecution? Trump’s NAR advisors? If so, that’s bad news for those of us who uphold scripture as the final authority of truth and who believe that only Jesus can and will establish the Kingdom here on earth.
I see a Trojan horse that is probably going to do more to make way for the final, actual Antichrist than any of the Democrat presidents we’ve had over the last 30 years.
And I can’t unsee it. I wish I could.
But I also see a man who is still redeemable, who could turn things around and be everything his Christian voters hope if he humbles himself and comes to genuine faith in Christ. I’m praying for Donald Trump, and I hope you are, too. I’m praying for his salvation, and for him to be surrounded by actually godly counselors and staffers instead of charlatans, and to have the humility to listen.
I strongly encourage you to watch this conversation between my friend
and her friend Matt/Shepherd for the King. They see what I see and they make a lot of very excellent points.Also, I’ve shared this before, but here’s a great video with clips and analysis of NAR/MAGA/Anon influencers talking about purging us backward Bible-believing Christians who won’t get on board the Great Awakening train.
(I really recommend her channel.)
My husband’s been under the weather, so yesterday we stayed home from our local church and instead Zoom’d into our home church meeting back in Oklahoma. They’ve been going verse by verse through 2 Timothy, and they just happened to be up to chapter 3. Last night I listened to J.D. Farag’s prophecy update, and he also preached on 2 Timothy 3.
Coincidence, or Providence? I tend to think the latter, so this morning I hung out in that passage and asked the Lord what he wanted me to see. I encourage you to do the same.
The first thing that struck me was how, currently, the first few descriptors of people in these “perilous times” describe our new President (as well as the incumbent, let’s be fair). You need only spend a few minutes on social media to see how widespread the rest of the descriptors have become.
One thing that jumped out at me that I’ve always glossed over before is how it names Jannes and Jambres as the ones who opposed Moses, i.e. the truth. Jannes and Jambres were the magicians in Pharaoh’s court who imitated the first few instances of Moses’ miracles and plagues through lying signs and wonders. Why them and not Pharaoh, the ultimate type of those who harden their hearts toward God? Why is it the deceptive magicians who exemplify those who oppose the truth in the last days?
I was also struck by how much the false teachers in this passage sound like the modern-day NAR (New Apostolic Reformation, in case you’ve been wondering what that stands for) movement and other modern-day variations on Gnosticism.
And then I came to verse 12 — “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
Some things to think about. These are perilous times, indeed.
Now that I’ve said my piece, as always, don’t take my word for it. Be a Berean and search the scriptures, use this as a jumping off point for your own investigation and research, pray for wisdom and discernment, and draw your own conclusions.
Just be watchful and on guard. I think the next few years will be full of surprises.
Until next time, may the Spirit of the Lord give you discernment and lead you into all the truth.
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