Is Lucifer Satan? Are They On the Same Team?
Reviewing Derek Gilbert's Second Coming of Saturn and laying the groundwork for some future discussions about what on earth is going on.
Earlier this year, I read Derek P. Gilbert’s blog series, The Second Coming of Saturn, which you can read free here (or if you prefer, you can buy the final paperback version here, or click here for the Kindle edition).
In it, he makes a strong case, based on both scholarly research and scripture, that we’ve misunderstood which entity Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 are addressing. Traditionally, both of these passages are thought to refer to Satan. But based on scholarly research (that is admittedly a little beyond me), Gilbert argues that the entity we’ve come to think of as Lucifer due to the Latin translation of Isaiah 14, who is called Helel ben Shachar in Hebrew (Shining One, Son of the Dawn in English), is not Satan but is actually the leader of the “angels who kept not their first estate” mentioned in Jude and Genesis 6, named in 1 Enoch as Shemihaza.
Based on archeological and historical records, Gilbert demonstrates that this same entity was known as Enlil to the Mesopotamians, El to the Canaanites, Dagan to the Philistines, Molech to the Israelites, Kronos to the Greeks and Saturn to the Romans (elsewhere, Gilbert has said he suspects this is also the entity behind a certain Middle Eastern god whose name starts with A).
What of Satan? Based on Jesus identifying that entity as Baal in the gospels and as Zeus in the letter to Pergamos in Revelation 2 (“Satan’s throne” is widely believed to be the massive temple of Zeus that used to reside there in what is now Turkey), Gilbert draws a direct line from Baal through various subsequent cultures and their chief gods to Zeus, who’s Roman counterpart is Jupiter.
He also demonstrates how an almost identical fallen realm narrative has carried down throughout history and throughout all these civilizations, in their pantheons and their mythology, that there was an original “sky god” who created El/Enlil/insert subsequent names here and then basically wandered off and abandoned them to do his own thing, and that Baal/&etc. is the son of El who defeated him and usurped his throne. If you know your Greek mythology, it’s basically the story of how Zeus defeated Kronos after he started devouring his children, slightly modified with the names changed for each culture.
Of course, the Bible tells a different version of events. In the Biblical narrative, with some blanks filled in by the Book of Enoch and other second temple-period literature, the Creator God YHWH created the Bene Elohim, “Sons of God” — all the angelic and spiritual entities that populate the unseen realm — and then created us, and then rebellion ensued. Satan, for whatever reason, tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God, introducing sin and death into the world. A few generations later, Shemihaza (possibly goaded or otherwise influenced by Satan) led a contingent of angelic beings (which Enoch calls Watchers) to take human wives in exchange for giving a lot of forbidden knowledge to humanity, by which they fathered the Nephilim — those hybrid beings that inspired the demigods of Greek and Roman mythology (not to mention the superheroes of today).
And then, a few generations after God brought a flood upon the earth to wipe out these hybrid giants before they could completely corrupt and destroy humanity, rebellious humans banded together to basically build a man-made mountain and portal to storm heaven and take it over. God responded by scattering them and confusing their languages, thereby separating them into nations, disinheriting them and giving them over to be ruled by 70 of the Sons of God, shortly after which he revealed himself to an elderly, childless couple and proceeded to use them and their offspring to build a nation set apart for himself, out of which he eventually gave us the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
Many, if not all, of these Sons of God who were put in charge over the nations, possibly also stirred up to do so by Satan, rebelled against God by styling themselves as gods and demanding worship from their human charges. THIS is the true origin of the pagan gods (please forget everything you’ve heard about Semiramis and Tammuz — one of these days I’m going to do an article on how baseless and misguided that whole theory is).
I highly recommend that you read Gilbert’s work on this topic (and if all of this is new and strange to you, I also recommend reading Unseen Realm by the late Dr. Michael Heiser, or search YouTube for the documentary and/or his “Supernatural” seminar).
Gilbert also surmises that, although Shemihaza and his cronies were locked away in Tartarus until the time of judgement, they still have influence over the world via their offspring — the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim who were killed in the flood, which we know as demons — as well as, perhaps, the loyalty and cooperation of other fallen angelic “gods” who followed in his rebellion post-flood and are still free. Gilbert likens it to a mob boss in prison who continues to run his enterprise through his henchmen.
Again, I hope you’ll at least read through his blog series, because I think he’s onto something, and I think that something helps to bring a lot of clarity to what we’re seeing play out before our very eyes.
In her documentary An Inconvenient Reality,
walks viewers through this Great Inversion that we’ve been seeing, explaining the Hegelian dialectic and how the Great Reset, being brought about by the Dark World Order, is meant to give way to the Great Awakening and the advent of the Light World Order — the “light” being the false light of Satan, who can appear as a being of light, and the LWO ultimately being the reign of the Antichrist. Of course, she and others who think along these lines assume that both Satan and Lucifer are the same being, and that he’s playing both sides against each other in order to convince us that this is an epic battle of good vs. evil when it’s really just blatant evil vs. a seemingly softer, shinier brand of evil.I’m convinced that this is true. But what if Gilbert’s theory is also correct (and I tend to think it probably is)?
If so, then what’s playing out is not simply a big, deceptive puppet show put on by Satan with all of his spiritual and human minions falling into lockstep to advance his agenda, but rather, this is a legitimate power struggle between (at least) two different factions in the spirit realm, with Satan/Baal/Jupiter and his loyal minions in one corner and Shemiaza/Lucifer/Saturn and his demonic offspring and loyal fallen angels in the other, fighting over who is going to rule over this global kingdom and whose seed is going to sit on the throne.
Before I go any further, fair warning — we’re going to be getting into conspiracy territory here. My OG subscribers likely expect that, but I’ve had a lot of new folks sign on since then and, if that makes you uncomfortable, then you should know that you’re probably hanging out in the wrong sandbox. I’m also going to be making forays into the political landscape and saying things that might really upset people who are idolizing certain golden calves or pinning their hopes on a human messiah to make worldly American culture a comfortable place to live again.
I just want to make it clear that I try to tread carefully and I never want to cast aspersions or tear other human beings down, nor denounce them or cast suspicion without good cause. I’m not trying to sway political opinion one way or the other — I’ve checked out of participating in this game and I have no stake in it. I have one King and my citizenship is in Heaven.
My goal, as always, is to encourage everyone reading this to grow in and exercise spiritual discernment, be good Bereans and conduct your own research, testing everything against the truth of scripture, prayerfully led by the Holy Spirit. And as the deception gets deeper and deeper, just as Jesus warned it would in the last days, I want us all to have our eyes wide open, our critical thinking hats on, and our BS detectors cranked up to 11.
Because something don’t smell right.
I have a lot of thoughts stemming from all of this, as well as some of my own theories, which I’m going to save for subsequent articles. There’s a lot to unpack, and this post was starting to get away from me. But I wanted to provide some background and lay a foundation for going forward, and give you something to chew on. It’s fine with me if you don’t agree — but it’s something to consider, and possibly hold in the back of your mind as events unfold, both in the U.S. and around the world.
But regardless of whether the dominion of darkness is divided among opposing factions and entities or united in their goal to bring about the kingdom of the Antichrist, there is one certainty that we must remember:
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, 3 “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” 4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.
The powers of darkness can plot and scheme all they want, but YHWH is enthroned on high and He is working ALL things together for the good of His people. It’s HIS plans that will prevail.
So hang in there and keep looking up!
Until next time!
Links, etc.
I’ve recommended them before, but I can’t recommend enough that you check out both Derek Gilbert and his wife Sharon’s weekly Bible study podcasts Unraveling Revelation and Gilbert House Fellowship. They go verse by verse through scripture, explaining the historical context in light of the Divine Council worldview. You can find links to all of their videos and podcasts at their website.
Here’s Gilbert discussing The Second Coming of Saturn on Blurry Creatures.
Quick disclaimer: I would hope that this should go without saying, but just to be clear: I never agree 100% with anyone I recommend, link or listen to, so my recommendations and links shouldn’t be seen as an endorsement of every single thing they ever teach or say. I’m largely in line with the Gilberts, but a heads up for my pre-trib subscribers, Probablyalexandra is not pre-trib (I’m not even sure she’s pre-mil) and she has some content on her various platforms attacking this position — all the usual faulty aspersions that I’ve already spent time debunking here. That said, she does a lot of good work following and reporting on the whole “Q” and Trump situation, so I can recommend her for that.
Related to that, here, check out my friend Lauren’s recent podcast interview with J.B. Hixson addressing a lot of the false claims that have been making the rounds again lately:
Finally, a note on comments: I’m leaving them turned off due to random people wandering in to start arguments and the fact that I just don’t have the time or energy to get dragged into debates or lengthy discussions. If you’re a subscriber, you can join the discussion thread for this article here.