If you missed my last post about the (possible/probable) difference between Satan and Lucifer, you should go back and read it before you read this one. This post is mostly a lot of hypothesizing and speculating based on that theory.
So it seems that there are two major factions in play, duking it out for whose seed will rule the New World Order. On one side is the Luciferians, those loyal to Shemihaza and the old pagan gods. Their “NWO” is the OLD world order of pagan worship, a return to the so-called golden age of humans and gods working together, producing nephilim offspring and granting elite status to a favored few while enslaving the rest of us and using us as resources for their consumption. The Days of Noah rendered high-tech via transhumanism.
On the other side is the Satanists, those loyal to the Serpent/Dragon. His religion is worship of self, the false promise that we won’t merely be favored by the gods, but that we can be gods, attained via knowledge and enlightenment. His religion takes a lot of different forms, including New Age, New Thought and Positive Thinking, Theosophy, and even Atheism—all of which are really Gnosticism at their core, which 1 John identifies as the spirit of antichrist. This Satanic religion also infiltrated the Church and takes other forms within Christendom, including Calvinism (which is re-branded Augustinian theology), the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), dominionism/Kingdom Now and progressivism.
While Satan is identified in scripture as the god of this world and the prince of the power of the air(waves), and is the one prophesied to come out on top and have his man rule the final Beast kingdom, it seems that the old gods, led by Shemihaza, after being forced to go underground by the advent of Christianity, have been working behind the scenes for at least the last 250 years to regain control and re-establish their dominion, wheeling and dealing with the rich and powerful among humanity and gradually taking control of governments and politics and industry. They’ve been gaining steam since the beginning of the 20th century and, I believe, made major power plays in both 2003 and 2020.
This last one gave Satan an opportunity to set himself up as the “good” guy and lay the groundwork for his own seed, the Son of Perdition, a.k.a. the Beast, the capital A Antichrist, to be a hero and messianic figure to the whole world, rescuing the world from the old gods and their Great Reset. He’s raised up an army of “light workers” and “truth warriors” to oppose the Luciferian agenda, all of whom are working to bring about a “Great Awakening.”
I think probably the celebrities and politicians who are working to this end, who some believe are controlled opposition, are actually either wittingly or unwittingly working to bring about the Satanic agenda and his Light World Order, i.e. the Beast kingdom of Revelation 13. Mind, Satan is a master manipulator and many of these people may not realize they’re being used by him—they truly believe they’re the good guys. But Elon Musk, in particular, doesn’t even try to hide his allegiance. See his “Devil’s Champion” costume from Halloween 2022.
It seems pretty obvious who the Luciferians are and who’s working for them. The entire Biden-Harris administration, the Bushes and Obamas and Clintons, the alphabet agencies and the entire Deep State, Gates, Soros, Schwab and the whole Davos crowd, all of the various round table groups, etc., working to tear everything down so they can “build back better.”
Does that mean everyone opposing this is on Team Satan? No. Obviously, most Christians are opposed to the Great Reset. They should also be opposed to the Great Awakening, but sadly, so many have boarded this train and are riding it gleefully with no thoughts given as to who’s driving this thing.
And that brings us to Trump. A man who just weeks ago as of this writing seemingly missed certain death by a fraction of an inch. A man who professes to love Christians but doesn’t actually profess personal faith in Christ, who thinks you get into heaven by being a good person. A man over whom EVERYBODY on both sides just loses their ever-lovin’ minds. Who surrounds himself with NAR teachers and false prophets and dominionists and who is at the center of the Q/Anon movement, which is at the forefront of the Great Awakening movement.
It’s been a week since I wrote all of the above, and since then I’ve had time to do a lot of thinking and praying about… ::hand-wavy gesture::
When I wrote the above, I was prepared to state with confidence that Trump is Satan’s candidate. I confess that I’ve been suspicious about the events of July 13, not just about the obvious, but about whether it was even real, and if he was in on it. That photo op just felt too contrived, and it accomplished exactly what it was meant to. It felt staged and planned out.
Since I wrote that down in my journal, I’ve felt a tug at my spirit to step back, be careful of my own hubris and how jaded the last four years have made me, and to put it in God’s hands. We’re not made to know everything that’s going on, either in this realm or the spirit realm. That’s HIS job, and he does know, and he’s got it well in hand. I need to be okay with not knowing and with being able to say that I don’t know.
After looking at and listening to a lot of analysis, and praying and processing, I’m now at a place where I believe it was a real attempt on his life. Donald Trump was, according to the Luciferians’ plans, supposed to die that day. My suspicion now is that he was meant to be a sacrifice to cement their plans. And God indeed preserved him.
That doesn’t automatically follow that God has his hand on Trump. It could be, and seems very likely to me, that God simply knew what the L’s were planning and played his NOPE card (you thought I’d say trump card, didn’t you?), reminding everyone that HE’S in control and nothing happens that he doesn’t allow and doesn’t already plan to use for HIS purpose.
Trump reminds me of a modern day Nebuchudnezzar, in the sense that he’s a powerful man with a lot of pride and an immense ego who God keeps holding his hand out to, trying to teach him about his sovereignty and to bring him to a place of humility and repentance. And, like Nebuchudnezzar before his final humiliating trial of losing his sanity for seven years, Trump seems to acknowledge God and even has a measure of respect for him, but he’s not ready to bow the knee and submit to Christ or acknowledge his need for a savior.
I think Trump is at a crossroads. I think Satan is doing his best to lure him and use him to help tear down the DWO and bring about the LWO, even as God is holding out the offer of salvation to him. Trump needs prayer, you guys.
But even if Trump doesn’t come to saving faith, even if he allows himself to be used by Satan (either knowingly or unwittingly), let’s not forget that the hearts of kings (and presidents, and rich guys with power and influence) are streams in God’s hands, to direct however he will. Just as God used Nebuchudnezzar to accomplish his plan for Israel decades before N. came to saving faith (and I do believe he ended up saved — I don’t believe God would use someone to write a chapter of inspired scripture if they weren’t), God can use Trump, whether he’s saved or not. He can even do it by allowing Satan to use him.
For that matter, he can even use Harris.
So what’s the point of all this? I think we Christians need to know our enemy, to be aware of WHO the enemy is, and of their tactics. As we watch things unfold in the physical realm, we need to remember that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, rulers of darkness in the spiritual places.
See how those are plural? I think we also need to let go of our traditional, medieval understanding of there only being ONE enemy controlling all the forces of darkness, and be mindful that there are multiple factions and sides with competing agendas — however, they all have the shared goal of overthrowing YHWH and destroying his people, and taking as many people as they can with them to Hell. And as sometimes Dems and Republicans work together across the aisle to accomplish a united goal, sometimes these factions cooperate with each other. So there’s overlap. It’s not all cut and dried and clean lines of separation.
But again, it’s not up to us to know the details or who is working for which team. Ultimately, it’s our place to trust that God knows, and is in control, and to know that his prophetic word will come to pass on HIS timeline regardless of what they do.
Mostly, I just want to give you some things to consider, along with a reminder to exercise discernment and to not be afraid to question assumptions. We need discernment more than ever in these ever-more-deceitful times we’re living in.
Hold fast to the word. Study Bible prophecy. Cover yourself and your loved ones in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see what he wants you to see. Don’t be quick to assume that the “white hats” are really on the side of good. And be very, very wary of the Great Awakening agenda and those who promote it.
And pray for the presidential candidates, y’all. They’re people, and their souls are on the line. And just think how it would completely bork all the Enemies’ plans if both their candidates suddenly got radically on fire for Jesus.
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