Hello friends and Bereans,
My husband and I are both sick (although I'm throwing all the herbal remedies at it, so hopefully it'll run its course quickly, whatever it is), and I have freelance deadlines that demand most of my available energy, so this update won't be long. I just want to tell you what I'm working on.
I've made some headway on my John Darby article, which I think is going to end up being the first chapter in a book that's tentatively titled, "Defending Our Blessed Hope: Biblical Evidence and the Historicity of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture." I'll post that article and subsequent chapters as I go. Paid subscribers may get a first look, and will definitely get an electronic copy of the final book.
I also started outlining a Bible study on the fruit of the spirit. It pretty much downloaded into my head the other day while I was praying, which is far from the first time that sort of thing has happened, but it is the first time it occurred to me that maybe that wasn't just my rapid-fire brain making connections for my own edification, but that perhaps when this happens it could be that the Holy Spirit actually wants me to do something with it other than just think about it, give a lesson to the imaginary people in my head (does anybody else learn and process info this way? Just me then?), and then go on with my life. So I'm going to try my hand at writing this Bible study, and see how that goes.
I've been reading Threshold Covenants by H. Clay Trumbull. It's about the origins of religious rites, and how the threshold of the home served as an altar to the household deities in the ancient world. It's not light reading, and it's pretty disturbing at times (child sacrifice was openly practiced in Europe a lot more recently than we'd like to think), but it's fascinating, and I'm probably going to have things to say about it at some point. The main point of the book, whose author was a Christian, is how God co-opted and subverted these pagan practices at the Passover, and also the significance of the door imagery that Jesus applied to himself. It's available free on Archive.org if that sounds like your jam.
A couple of other things to share...
My friend Lauren Caron (Certainty for Uncertain Times on Istagram) is kickstarting her YouTube channel this week, and has also launched her Patreon. She's got a lot of resources available to her Patreon subscribers to equip you for answering those who want to argue against the pre-trib rapture. She and I are tracking along the same lines here, and if it works out, we're hoping I'll be able to guest on her YouTube or Patreon at some point so we can have a chat about this topic. Either way, you should check that out.
from was on the BUMP podcast last month sharing his research into the Great Reset. It's a really great discussion with a lot of info and insights, and I highly recommend giving it a listen even if you already know about the WEF and their twisted antichrist agenda.That's all I've got for this week. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you and guide you into all the truth!